Sunday, March 22, 2009

In Which I Scare Myself


Some of you may have notice my recent hiatus in blogging. In the grand scheme of things, the world continues, on-course, same as it ever was (war, poverty, economic downturn, orbiting the sun). But here, I will put my narcissistic mask back on and pretend that the world revolves around me, and that you have missed my blog posts. :P

Here's the DL (down-low, E! Online speak) of what's been goin' on:

1) I have been dumped by a friend. I will expand more on that, if I feel like it, in future posts. In sum, if he/she feels like he/she needs to sever our friendship due to a minor miscommunication + a clash of egos + bad behaviour (on my part, I admit), then he/she probably has harboured some resentment/dissatisfaction with me for quite a while, and this is merely the straw that broke his/her back. In that case, I will say: Adieu, my friend. It was nice knowing you. All the best to you.

And I mean it. I only wish everyone I know, love and cherish every happiness in this world, and if he/she is better off without being my friend, then so be it. I will not partake in dragging any person down.

2) I went to an interview with a big firm/corporation. How did it go? Other than feeling like a squid on a bbq grill, fine I suppose. I did the assessment to the best of my ability, managed to control my nerves enough to fake my way through an otherwise uncomfortable interview. I don't know what exactly made me feel like I was sitting on the devil's throne...maybe their direct (read: no-nonsense) style of questioning, bombarding me with toughies such as "Give me an example when you were a leader", "Give me an example when you failed as a leader", "Have you ever missed a deadline", "What are your weaknesses?", "How would you handle this situation?" and "Explain in your own words what [insert industry] is all about". Phew! After 1.5 hrs of that, I was just ready to put my feet up and sigh the interview away.

Anyway, according to another friend, H, knowing a certain girl in the corporation (hence referred to as 'The Darling', because really, she IS the darling of the firm) should give me huge brownie points. Man, I certainly hope so. I want any points I can get! Plus, if I get in, I get to goad H about getting to see The Darling more often than he does :D

3) I have just calculated that if I want to complete my current ongoing project before I leave for my graduation ceremony, I need to work at the staggering pace of 10 pages per day. 10 pages!! PER DAY! I don't know if I can do that. Not only do I have to research those 10 pages, I'll need to type it up, insert figures, pictures, tables, references, and come up with the Self-Check Questions and Learning Activities!

I will console myself by factoring in some more figures: I have 24 hours in a day, 18 of which I will spend awake (er...). Out of that 18 hours, 15 of those I will spend by BEING PRODUCTIVE (errrrr....) That makes it 1 page per every 1.5 hours! That's...somewhat more manageable. Isn't it? ISN'T IT???

4) I just remembered...I have ANOTHER project. Data entry. D'oh! What am I going to dooooo...

5) Obviously, with all these other deadlines looming over my head, I will have to put The Story on the back burner.

...Who am I kidding? I'll probably end up scribbling away in my little notebook and forget all about those Paid Projects. Goshdarnit.


Jarod Yong said...

With time, the number of projects & deadlines will only increase!
It will peak at a certain point & then settle into retirement...

I wish that we can live like the simple people I work with now...
Cukup makan dah cukup bagus...
Simple... Unsophisticated... Contented... Happy...

If only everyone in the world were willing to settle for just that...
What a wonderful hippie world we'd have.

Jan Banks said...

di!!! my office blocks msn and fb! :(((( i miss our nonsensical conversations.

sotong panggang, haha! can't beat my p&g interview from 9am-6pm. -_- i hope you got the job!

Bookworm said...

Dieee gosh what interview?sounds not BIMBO at all!

update- im becoming too fat for my jeans! a**

goody luck!

- D. said...

@ Kam Koko:
Yeah, I never understood how people can be contented with the 'makan gaji' lifestyle. I don't think I'm able to be contented if I never reach my full potential. But that's just me. I have my head in the clouds...

@ Jan:
So THAT's what I've been missing! I was wondering why my days feel so lonesome.

@ Jija:
Goooorssshhh! I knowww! My doc gave me these hormone pills and I've been eaaaating! I look fat! I'll be attending the ceremony looking like a whaaaale :( Miss you!