Monday, January 12, 2009

Dancer in the Dark: The Tear-Jerker that Threatened to Wrench My Heart Clean out of My Chest

I love Bjork. I realise most people think she's a tad odd, if not completely off her rocker, but I love her for it! She is true to her art and has a style that is inimitable and completely her own. But I had pegged her as that artiste with the weird videoclips and haunting voice and certainly did not expect her to be able to act at all, much less in an emotionally demanding drama like the ones Lars von Trier is so renowned for.

Imagine my surprise when I saw her in this!

If you can't read this, you need an eye test. For reals.

She was able to capture the innocence and simpleness of Selma Jezkova. In fact, she was the embodiment of cute -- I wanted to cup her in my hands and put her in my pocket!

I bet Catherine Deneuve was thinking of the EXACT SAME THING.

I won't spoil the story for you -- I hope you'll find out for yourself. Be warned though, this is: 1) a musical; and 2) one of those movies which people either love or hate; no middle ground.

And now if you excuse me, I have to find the soundtrack to the movie.

Selmasongs: The soundtrack to Dancer in the Dark


Jan Banks said...

i like hyperbole. it's so dream-like!