So it was my birthday yesterday. 24. Sounds...old. And boring. 24. Other than reminding me of multiplications (2 x 12 and 8 x 3 are cool ones) and the number of hours in a day, 24 is a pretty boring number. It sounds so somber Meanwhile, I think 25 is an awesome number! I imagine huuuuge blowouts and balloons and confetti! Jubileeee!
I've been pretty much a dork on my 24th. The day of the 22nd I had a FULL day, so I retired early that night, but not without a few rounds of ice-cream (bought by my random backpacker flatmate-- thanks Holly!). On the 23rd of April, D-Day (...I turned 24), I went with a friend of mine to the factory outlet "mall"-- 1) because I needed shoes, and 2) because I felt like I needed to spend on my birthday. I walked away with shoes (they had one my size!! I was soooo stoked!) and the awesomest dress I've ever beheld! After a whole day of walking, I was ready to retire early again, only I went into super-dork mode and decided to do some writing on my birthday. Eheh. Not my fault Lady Muse attacked me with Plot Bunnies on my Birthday.
So no, I didn't have a big birthday bash. And no, I didn't get super wasted or get buried under a pile of presents-- but I still think this has been one of my fondest birthdays, only because I shared it with some of my closest, most genuine buddies, and was allowed to be the Superdork that I am on my birthday (week). *grin*
On another note, I got a haircut today. Let me just preface this by saying: 1) I don't have anything against Asians (I am one myself), and 2) I don't have anything against Asian Hair. But just because you're Asian (i.e. Chinese/Korean) doesn't mean you have to make EVERYONE ELSE's hair look like the rest of the Chinese/Korean hairstyle, especially when I DON'T have the typical poker-straight shiny Asian locks, and also when I specifically showed you pictures of Kate Moss and Brigitte Bardot's hair as reference.

Let me just say it didn't turn out like how I wanted it. This should teach me to go against my instincts (which was to pop into the hair salon I loved) and follow other people's recommendations. The last hair-raising experience I had when someone recommended my a place was that I ended up feeling like my hair was getting burned off my scalp (I had a reaction to the dye). This time around, I end up with a hairdo which is a cross between the hairstyle I had when I was 5 (I know I have that picture somewhere) and the retard-bangs I sported in the first year of uni (who remembers this???). In short, I hate it. I HATE IT!!!! FML.
I'm just hoping in these 2 weeks leading up to my graduation my hair will have lengthened sufficiently for me to go fix it at MY salon, in time for my graduation ceremony on the evening of the 6th of May (so I won't be stuck with stupid hair on the day I'll be conferred my degree). If they can't fix it permanently, I want them to make it look temporarily elegant. Sigh. Why do I get myself into these silly predicaments?
Babe, my hair is so moody I dont know what else I should feed it. On the most unimportant days, it could look so voluminous, so shiny, so pretty. And on glam days when I feel like I want to show off a little, it grows a mind of its own, one that does'nt seem to listen to me, that is!
So in your case, maybe you just need getting used to the new do? I did not immediately love my hair when I decided to chop it off short last year...but it grew on me - literally! =P
Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday. 24 is a fabulous number. By the time you hit 25, everyone will start going, "Ohhh you're a quarter of a century!" Like it's an awful thing to age...sheesh!
Take care!
p/s love your blog. keep writing!
Might you consider a wig?
If your hair is really that bad, I'd be more than glad to get you one...
Either that or a paper bag with two holes in it.
Better hidden than embarrassed!
p/s: happy birthday! =)
Ooooh, if someone could get me a PINK WIG (a la Scarlett Johansson's in Lost in Translation) I would be verrrry happy. Or a rainbow afro. I'm divided. :s
I'm a total lurker on your blog. LOVE IT! Also, I've been hiding my hair under a beanie, and it looks cute, just peeking out from underneath. I'll let it do some peeking before venturing out into the real world :D
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